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Division 39 Candidates Outreach Committee Essay Contest

2024 Spring

How do we love Thee?" What happens to our love and desire for our analysts and psychoanalysis in training analysis and afterward?

In keeping with the 2024 conference theme of "Sex", we invite candidates and recent graduates to creatively explore the idea of sexual, romantic, and tender desires that are present in our analysis and our training and also on what happens to these feelings after we graduate from institution-based training. 

The prize-winning submission will receive a 200 dollar award and along with any submissions given honorable mention, will be published on the Candidates Outreach Committee website and will be recognized during the Section 1 and Candidates Committee Reception at the Spring Conference. 

Submission Guidelines:  Both poetry and essays are accepted formats.  Essays should be no more than 10 double-spaced pages.  The contestant’s name and email should appear on a separate title page, but this identifying information should not be included in the body of the essay.  Word or PDF formats are acceptable. Any submissions that do not have two documents (title page and essay) will be returned to the author to resubmit.

Deadline:  Monday, March 04, 2024. 

Eligibility:   To participate in the contest, you must be a CURRENT or RECENT (1 yr post-grad) candidate in an analytic training program.

Submit electronically:

Subject line: Candidates Essay Contest

Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (Div. 39)
P.O. Box 41668
Phoenix, AZ 85080

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