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Cinematic Imprint Inaugural Program: Mechanics Rose

  • 03/02/2023
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Virtual: via Zoom


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Cinematic Imprint Inaugural Program
Mechanics Rose

Filmmakers: Craig Williams and Yucef Mayes
Thursday March 2nd, 2023 3:00-5:00pm, EST

Virtual Event - via Zoom
(zoom link will be sent upon registration)

**an event for Division 39 members **


Director and Writer: Yucef Mayers

Producer: Craig Williams (Redwall Productions)

A mother, suffering from a terminal illness, escapes hospice care to make a perilous journey across Newark NJ to attend her son's graduation.

*** Film will be screened during the event. ***

Presentation: Short films have the opportunity to share profound stories with audiences in an efficient way.  Mental health professionals are familiar with the nature of this phenomenon by engaging in psychological testing such as the Thematic Apperception Test and similar projective tasks alike.  Award winning shorts have the ability to move audiences affectively and Mechanics Rose is no exception.  Experience a myriad of emotions within the well-crafted characters of how we may hold complicated feelings due to the fine nuances found within the human condition.

During this event, we will identify several individual processes in the film Mechanics Rose, including perseverance, compassion and empathy.  Join us for a theoretical view of the impact caregivers have on children’s understanding of themselves when varying influences impact a parent’s functioning.  View the artists’ film Mechanics Rose and engage in a conversation with the filmmakers regarding their work.

  1. Describe how early emotional support from caregiver(s) influences conflictual adult parent-child relationships. 
  2. Participants will be able to apply the film's conceptualization of characters to dynamics within clinical settings.

  1. Biak, D., Russel, L.J., Dooley, J.K., Bowles, K., Masterson Cerber, R. (2018). A Systematic Review of Using the Paliative Performance Scale to Predict Survival for Older Adults at the End-Of Life. Innovation in Aging, 522.
  1. Curtis, J.R., Wenrich, M.D., Carline, J.D., Shannon, S.E., Ambrozy, D.M., & Ramsey, P.G (2002). Patients’ Perspective on Physician Skill in End-of-Life Care. Ethics in Cardiopulmonary Medicine, 356-362. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.07.033
  2. Krikorian, A., Maldonado, C. & Pastrana, T. (2020). Patient’s Perspectives on the Notion of a Good Death: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol 59 (1) 152-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2019.07.033
  3. Englund, L. (2022).  The afterlives of death: gratitude and gratefulness in end-of-life writing by Jenny Diski and Oliver Sacks. Mortality, 1-14.

(Writer/Director) Yucef Mayes received a 2022 Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Yucef is also a community partner at Express Newark, a 3rd space Arts Incubator for  Filmmakers of Rutgers-Newark. Yucef’s film ZAHRA AND THE OIL MAN premiered at American Black Film Festival, Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival and BlackStar Film Festival. ZAOM was Nominated for Outstanding Short Film in Black Reel Awards. Yucef’s 3rd film THE MECHANIC’S ROSE, about a dying mother who escapes the hospital for the most heartbreaking journey was produced by Wavelength Productions, Cinereach, and Black Film TV Collective. THE MECHANIC’S ROSE is on festival tour for 2022-2023. ZAHRA AND THE OIL MAN is now available OnDemand on Comcast Xfifinity Black Experience Catalogue.

(Producer) A native New Yorker, Craig T. Williams is a Screenwriter and Producer. Chosen one of 20 writers out of over 4,000 applications, Craig is a member of the WarnerMedia Discovery 2021-23 TV Writers Access Program (formerly the HBO All Access Program.)  He honed his skills writing and producing a string of quirky, comedic, romantic short films with his wife of 21 years. Together they’ve made more than fifty film projects. In 2021 he won a $25,000 Producers grant from the Black TV and Film Collective with fiscal support from Wavelength and Cinereach to produce the short film The Mechanic’s Rose. Craig is a writing mentor for The Craft Institute, Start With 8 Mentorship Program  and for teen filmmakers at Reel Works in Brooklyn.

 (Psychologist and Host) Katherine Marshall Woods, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington, DC. She earned her Bachelor of Arts and doctoral degrees from The George Washington University. Dr. Marshall Woods is in private practice, is a member of the core faculty and Director of Clinical Training at The George Washington University and is a faculty member of the Washington School of Psychiatry, teaching clinical supervision skills for mental health professionals.  Further, she holds interest in the intersection between psychology and film, where she has contributed blogs for The Huffington Post, the former American Psychological Association’s PsycCRITIQUES, and currently blogs with Thrive Global and Medium within this arena. She has authored the book, Best Psychology in Film, which has become a podcast and television show which she co-produces and hosts with UDCtv in Washington, DC.  Dr. Marshall Woods has lent her expertise to a number of media outlets, such as News Channel 8, NPR, The Huffington Post, The Daily Drum and is the former host and coproducer of A Healthy Mind television show.  Dr. Marshall Woods finds joy in working with actors, screenwriters, producers, and directors on theme and character development and set and diagnosis accuracy and collaborating with film festivals.

SPPP (Division 39)is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 39 maintains responsibility for this program and its content

This program, when attended in its entirety, is available for 1.5 continuing education credits. SPPP is committed to accessibility and non-discrimination  in its continuing education activities. SPPP is also committed to conducting all activities in conformity with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles for Psychologists. Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods. If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them. Please address questions, concerns and any complaints to Soffia Palsdottir at There is no commercial support for this program nor are there any relationships between the CE Sponsor, presenting organization, presenter, program content, research, grants, or other funding that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest. Participants will be informed of the utility/validity of the content/approach discussed (including the basis for the statements about validity/utility), as well as the limitations of the approach and most common (and severe) risks, if any, associated with the program’s content.(2) SPPP (Division 39) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SPPP maintains responsibility for the program and its content

Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology (Div. 39)
P.O. Box 41668
Phoenix, AZ 85080

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